Registration for all classes has closed so we can begin recital preparations.​​
Parent Portal Instructions
In order to use our Parent Portal, you must have first registered with us using the registration page.
Your email program must accept mail from
If you do not receive an email after registering, please check your promotions or junk folder.
Instructions for accessing the Customer Portal for the first time
Navigate to and click on the “Customer Portal Login” link located on the right side of our home page.
You will be directed to a new window with our studio logo to the left and a boxed login area to the right.
In the boxed area, enter the email address that you have on file with us at the studio
Click on “I don’t have or know my password.” A password will be randomly created and sent to you immediately by email.
Retrieve your temporary password from your email, then return to the login screen and log in to your secure personal account page.
Change your password to something you will remember under the My Account tab.​
Be sure to click on the SAVE button whenever you’ve made changes.
Click on a tabbed area (News, My Account, Fees & Payments, My Contacts, My Students, My Classes, Registration, Policies) to view detailed information or choose from the drop down list next to “ I want to:”
Be sure to log off after you’ve completed your session by clicking on the Sign Out link in the upper left corner of the main page.
If you click on the “I don’t have or know my password” link and do not receive an automatically generated password in your email inbox, it is likely that the email address you’ve provided is not the one we have on file.
In that case, please contact us at so we can correct the email account associated with your account.
You may access your secure account via the Customer Portal link in our website at any time.
Check the NEWS tab regularly for important news and upcoming events.