Registration for all classes has closed so we can begin recital preparations.​​

Applications for our 24/25 STEP season are now available HERE
Applications are due by Monday, August 12th.
If you have any questions, please email STEP Director Miss Emily at
What is STEP?
Student Teacher Education Program - Learning the art of teaching, through the lessons of dance.
STEP is designed to educate and allow advanced dancers the opportunity to share their love of dance by passing it along to younger students. Dancers will learn the skills of teaching, under the guidance of our professional teachers, while assisting in classes and working at the studio.
There are so many valuable lessons dancers will gain through STEP; mentorship, teaching experience, lesson planning, time management, communication skills and leadership skills. Through assisting, dancers will also accumulate volunteer hours and work experience for college applications/resumes. Whether you plan to make a career in dance or somewhere else, STEP will equip you with a strong work ethic and tools to help you grow and succeed in life.
Must have danced at MSSoD for minimum 1 season
Must be enrolled in class genre that you assist
Junior Assistants: 6-8 grade
Senior Assistants: 9-12 grade
Time Commitment
Commitment is for the entire season, September - Recital
Junior Assistants - grades 6-8
Assist with 1 class a week *
Senior Assistants - grades 9-12
Assist with one class a week*
One office hour per week at the front desk.
All Assistants will be required to attend 3 STEP Meetings (August, January, April/May)
All Assistants attend spring rehearsals for the STEP recital dance
*Dancers may be assigned more than one class to assist if their schedule allows.
Application Process
Submit the online application.
Once you have submitted your online application, you will be scheduled for an interview with our MSSoD teaching staff.
After the interview, you will receive an email notifying you of your STEP status and which classes you are assigned.
All Assistants will attend an orientation meeting before fall classes begin.
Application Deadline August 12, 2024
Please note, there are a limited number of classes that need Assistants, so if you are not selected for this season, please consider applying again in the future.